IPv4 address :
IPv6 address : [2001:0db8:0a0b:12f0:0000:3492:1234:0001]

Most computers theses days will use the IPv6 address format to access the network. The Remote VerseVIEW feature of VerseVIEW for adding lower thirds uses the IP address to access the virtual screens. You may use either IPv6 or IPv4 address. You may also use the hostname of your computer.

Here you can choose the IP address and copy the corresponding link to use with OBS or vMix to access the remote lower thirds. Please see this video on the Remote lower thirds setup with VerseVIEW [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOOcsbSOrEM]

However, you need to set the IP address format to IP4v, please follow these steps.

  • In the Windows search bar, type “network status”
  • Once the network status screen opens, select WiFi or Ethernet option depending on your connection
  • Then click on The option called Change adapter options
  • Here right click on the connection and choose Properties
  • In the networking options Enable IPv4 and disable IPv6 and click OK.
  • The computer might have to be restarted

Hope this helps . Thank you for using VeseVIEW.

Setting IP address to IPv4 format
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