Visit the VerseVIEW website If this is the first time to install VerseVIEW on the computer, please download and install Adobe AIR Then download and install the latest version of VerseVIEW. Watch this video for the detailed steps. Hope this
Running VerseVIEW on Mac with M1 processor
Select the option “Open using Rosetta” on your Mac with M1 processor, to run VerseVIEW. Install VerseVIEW Right click (Control + click) on the VerseVIEW icon and select Get Info Select the option “Open using Rosetta” to enable VerseVIEW to
Installing VerseVIEW on Mac OS Catalina
Installing VerseVIEW on Mac OS is easy but recent changes to Mac OS Catalina, has an additional step. Download and unzip the VerseVIEW file for Mac OS Copy verseview_7_2_0.dmg file to the desktop or applications folder Double click on